Coffee grounds have several benefits besides giving a jolt to the brain in the morning. When caring for your beloved pots and pans, especially heirloom cast iron pieces, using coffee grounds as a cleaning agent can help maintain their quality.
The natural abrasive texture of coffee grounds effectively removes stubborn food residues from pots and pans without the need for harsh chemicals. It is considered an eco-friendly and economical way to protect your kitchen utensils.
In addition, reusing used coffee grounds can have several benefits at home. They can degrease kitchen surfaces, serve as a natural deodorizer or fragrance enhancer, and provide a nutrient boost to your house plants when added to the soil.
Instead of discarding coffee grounds after preparing your morning coffee, consider incorporating them into your daily cleaning routine. You will not only help reduce waste and minimize your carbon footprint but also be living a more eco-conscious and sustainable lifestyle.
Using spent grounds on pots and pans
When you hold a handful of coffee beans, you’ll quickly notice they are quite coarse, even at the finest grind. These tiny granules have enough edge to replace sandpaper, making them suitable for various applications, including polishing a stainless steel pan.
To efficiently clean your pots and pans, simply mix 2 to 3 teaspoons of ground coffee with warm water and soap and use a soft sponge to scrub the surfaces until they are clean. Due to its acidic nature, coffee grounds also work as a natural degreaser.
It can be challenging to remove stubborn burnt foods on pots and pans. This is especially the case with non-stick cookware. Create a mix using approximately 2 to 3 teaspoons of leftover coffee grounds, warm soapy water, and stir well. Then use a soft sponge or brush to scrub the pan with this mixture.
Other uses for coffee grounds
There are more than a few good uses for coffee grounds besides using them on pots and pans. Containing antibacterial and antiviral properties, coffee grounds can also sanitize surfaces. If you prefer to avoid cleaning with chemicals, you can create an eco-friendly and economical surface cleaner by mixing used grounds with water and soap.
Use this mix to clean your non-porcelain sinks (stainless steel, concrete, and cast iron). Be careful not to use them on any porous material as they will leave an unpleasant brown stain. To clean your grill with coffee grounds, sprinkle dry grounds on the grates, scrub, wipe off the residues, and rinse thoroughly. Make sure it is 100% dry to avoid rust.
Coffee grounds usually have a very porous nature, making them ideal for odor control. Place a bowl or container full of used grounds where unpleasant odors linger, such as refrigerators, cabinets, or shoes.
Alternatively, fill a paper coffee filter with dry grounds, add a few drops of essential oil, and tie it up. Place these scented sachets inside your shoes, in your car, refrigerator, or other areas prone to odd smells.
Coffee grounds can also help lower soil pH and provide nitrogen. Sprinkle the grounds directly into the soil around your plants, especially those that prefer acidic conditions.
Source: HouseDigest
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